The #1 Secret To A Meal Plan That Actually Works

Are you tired of planning delicious but complicated meals only to find they don’t fit into your busy schedule? Or perhaps you’ve tried thrifty meal plans that your family just won’t eat? Maybe you’ve given up on meal planning altogether, feeling like it's just not for you.

There are a million reasons why meal planning hasn't worked for you in the past, and that’s probably because there are a million different ways to do it. With so many gurus and exciting plans online, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. Here’s the truth: meal planning is not the same for any two people, and even for one person, it can change from week to week. Life and our schedules are always changing, especially for busy moms!

So, what’s the secret to successful meal planning? It’s simple: being realistic. You need to be honest about how much time you have to cook and the type of meals your family will actually eat. Here’s my roadmap to successful meal planning:

Step 1: Inventory Your Fridge, Freezer, and Pantry
Start by taking stock of what you already have and come up with meal ideas based on those ingredients. (I dug deeper into this in an email last week.)

Step 2: Shop the First Page of Your Grocery Store Sales Flyer
Check out what’s on sale and incorporate those items into your meal plans. (I also shared more on this last week.) I highly recommend using the Google Sheets system that comes with the Smart Spend Bootcamp because it makes managing all of this EXTREMELY easy.

Step 3: Review Your Schedule
Take a close look at how much time you’ll realistically have to cook and eat each night. Be honest with yourself! Inside the Smart Spend Bootcamp, you get access to a 5-minute weeknight dinner decision tree that makes this SO EASY.

Step 4: Plan Your Meals
Based on your inventory, what’s on sale, and your schedule, plan meals that fit into your actual life. Make sure they’re meals your family will enjoy and eat.

So it’s simple, right? Plan meals based around what you have in your pantry, what’s on sale, and your schedule. Oh, and make sure it’s something your family likes and will eat. Sounds like a bit of a jigsaw puzzle, and at first, it might feel like that. But here’s the deal: the only failure is quitting. Just because you didn't get it right before, and maybe you don't get it right this week, doesn't mean you failed. It means you’re trying.

Even getting a few meals right will help you save money now! And when you keep trying, it will get easier. You’ll stick to your plan longer and longer, and you’ll learn from your mistakes.

If you’re ready to make meal planning easier and more effective, join our Smart Spend Bootcamp. Our next cohort starts today, August 5, 2024 (it's not too late to join!). This is the perfect month to start saving money on groceries with the support of like-minded moms. Plus, you'll get 40 exclusive August recipes, 30 days of slow cooker meals, and 5-ingredient, 15-minute dinners available only to Bootcampers this month!

Click [here] to secure your spot and start your journey to stress-free meal planning and grocery savings.

Looking forward to seeing you in the bootcamp!

Best regards,


P.S. Don't forget to always use what you have on hand!

Meals With Maria

I’m Maria, a passionate home cook with a mission to help you create delicious meals on a budget. As a wife and mom of three boys, I know how important it is to make every dollar count without sacrificing taste or quality. With my background in financial analysis and my love for cooking, I’ve developed a unique approach to meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking that will inspire you to save money while still enjoying gourmet meals at home.

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